Today, if one is to believe the constant anti-white, hate-filled and
bigoted Establishment propaganda, the white man is the greatest source of
evil and unrighteousness in the world. Waves and waves of this propaganda
spread the lie that whites are always the victimizers -but never the
victim- and have meant nothing but ill towards the "always benevolent
races," which have surrounded her lands. As the propagandists teach,
Whites -especially those who would preserve their race- are the lowest
form of life on earth, to be despised and persecuted, rooted out and
exposed as heretics if they do not toe the Multi-Cultural Party line.
With their constant encouragement of race-mixing and cover-ups of genuine
cases of anti-white genocide throughout history (the Bolshevik
revolution, Stalin and the bloody work of his Jewish controllers,
deportations and murders of millions of Germans after WWII, etc.), it is
quite clear to growing numbers of thinking people that the Establishment
seeks the destruction of the White race.
This article is meant to grant them their wish, to suppose that whites
had never graced the lands of this planet with their creativity and
intelligence. Where would the establishment be? This effort will merely
scratch the surface of white creativity. Indeed, it would take hundreds
of pages to detail it all.
Throughout history, no other people have contributed to the betterment of
mankind -of all races- than the White race. The "Aryan mind" has been the
source of genius, the prime cultivator of technology, and the driving
force of progress. Aryans have always been the source of High Culture.
There is the work of Archimedes, inventor of the lever and pulley; the
Archimedean screw, used to lift water for irrigation; the catapult; and
the concepts of hydrostatics and buoyancy, among others. Many other
ancients have been responsible for the basic inventions that all
succeeding generations have drawn upon, from the wheel to basic math and
science concepts. Would you throw it all away? The breadth of work by
Italian Leonardo da Vinci nearly stuns the mind. His almost workable
plans for such revolutionary concepts as the movable bridge, construction
crane, a flying machine, the parachute, and other ideas, became realities
due to other White contributions to the fulfillment of these ideas.
Driving a car or other vehicle, on land or water is enjoyed by nearly
all. But for the contributions of Germans such as Karl Benz, Gottlieb
Daimler, and Wilhelm Maybach to automobile technology, how far would we
go? Daimler and Maybach were the first to invent an internal combustion
engine light enough to power an automobile; and that they did, though
only with three wheels at first. They had perfected a motor bicycle as
far back as 1885; a four wheeled car in 1886, and by 1926 had combined
with motor vehicle pioneer Karl Benz to form Mercedes-Benz, "Mercedes"
being Karl's daughter.
German Rudolf Diesel invented the economic and efficient diesel engine.
Men like brothers Charles and Frank Duryea built the first successful gas
power automobile on American shores. Vincent Bendix's "Bendix-drive" made
hand-cranking an engine obsolete. Henry Ford, the father of
mass-production, not to mention white patriot and grand exposer of the
Jews, made his Model-T available to the masses and produced the first V-8
engine. Countless others have made critical contributions to modern
automotive technology.
How about the works of other Germans? Rudolf Bunsen invented the gas
heater called the Bunsen burner, used in tens of thousands of
laboratories and schools, for learning and developing a multitude of ways
to benefit our lives. Johannes Gutenberg, as early as the 15th century,
developed a movable type mold, first mass-producing the Bible, then other
books. The Jewish author of Germany Must Perish surely did not take
into account Gutenberg's contribution to the publishing of his vile and
vindictive book of genocidal hatred. Elias Howe invented a practical
sewing machine in 1846. Karl von Sauerbronn developed the first bicycle
as early as 1816. The Siemens brothers pioneered electric railways and
lighting, deep-sea telegraph cables, an open-hearth steel-making process,
and greatly improved electroplating procedures. These Germans, and many
thousands more, have contributed much to your way of life.
We all enjoy the ready availability of clothing. Would you do without the
works of Sir Richard Arkwright, who, as early as 1769, developed a
water-powered spinning machine? Edmund Cartwright and Samuel Crompton
also made critical advances in weaving technology. Other Whites have also
contributed to the development of the textile industry, which we all
benefit from.
Enjoy flying? Would you do without the Whites who invented the airplane,
who developed it through its infant stages? The Wright brothers, Samuel
Langley, Glenn Curtis, and others began the process. Frenchman Henri
Coanda, developed the first airplane to run on a jet propulsion system
and, in an entirely different vein of inventive genius, developed a way
to convert salt water to freshwater by using the energy of the sun.
Multitudes of Whites have contributed to these amazing industries. It
would take volumes to detail them all.
How about feeding the masses -not only of our own country- but other
nations? Where would we be without John Deere's basic, revolutionary
steel plow? Cyrus McCormick invented a reaping machine which is largely
credited for the 19th century revolution in agriculture. Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin which helped the South stand on her own two feet.
Michael Cudahy developed cold-storage for meat packing, quite a
revolutionary and healthy concept. There are many more where those came
from. We not only feed many other nations, but give them machinery and
teach them so they may one day provide for themselves. Would they have
come up with these things on their own? Thousands of years of their bleak
history say otherwise.
Whites have also done wonders for the fields of communication. Would you
prefer that Samuel Morse had never invented the telegraph, or Morse code;
or that Alexander Graham Bell had never invented the telephone? Edwin
Howard Armstrong discovered a concept known as frequency modulation.
Those of us who are technologically illiterate know this as FM radio.
Walter House Brattain, John Bardeen, and William Shockley developed the
transistor, and shared a Nobel Prize for it. Italian Guglielmo Marconi
invented the wireless telegraph. Lee De Forest improved wireless
telegraphy, and revolutionized radio broadcasting with his invention of
the triode vacuum tube, an item which is now basic to long distance radio
and television communication. Nicholai Tesla also made dramatic
improvements in the field of radio communication.
How about that inventor of inventors; White man extraordinare, Thomas
Alva Edison, who - to this day - is unsurpassed in the number of
U.S./International Patents issued. He and his White staff invented and
improved on many of our staple inventions, such as motion pictures,
telephone transmitters, typewriters, electronic generators, the
mimeograph machine, and phonograph. He and Tesla invented such modern
necessities as the electric light bulb. Enjoy flipping a switch and
reading at night? YouÆve got White men to thank.
Here are just a few of the many other Whites who have contributed to
invention. Robert Fulton built the first steam-powered river boat, and
helped develop early submarine and canal technology. Enjoy taking and
looking at photographs? We have pioneers such as Edwin Land and
Belgian-American Leo Hendrick Baekeland to thank. After Englishman Dr.
Dunlop's initial discoveries Charles Goodyear perfected the process of
vulcanized rubber, thus allowing for longevity of tires. Percy Spencer
invented the microwave oven. Nicholai Tesla and Willis Carrier both made
critical contributions to the air-conditioning process which makes all of
our lives easier today. Many Americans cannot imagine what life would be
like without air-conditioning, and they've got White men to thank.
Peter Cooper built the first American steam locomotive, the Tom Thumb.
William Burroughs developed the first adding and calculating machines,
forerunners of many, many things to come, including the cash-register.
Let's not forget those White men who developed early computer technology;
like Vannevar Bush, who built the first analog computer in 1930, Blaise
Pascal, Charles Babbage, George Boole, and countless others who have
contributed to this modern marvel that has touched all our lives.
What would life be like without all of these inventions? Better? Would
any of the above exist? Well, don't be a hypocrite. Throw away all your
technology! Go build a lean-to in the woods and try, just try, to live
like the primitive cultures. See if you can. Remember what has happened
to every nation . . . when Whites have left. What if there were no White
people on the face of this world? Would you now destroy the White race?
There are other inventions and inventors, countless others. This paper
has only scratched the surface, and has not even made an effort to delve
into the enormous White contributions to art and cultural history. White
history is indeed glorious, and it is time White children started looking
into it.
Peter Anthony
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